- Email: charlie@lastkeyrealty.com
- Cell Phone: 305-393-9872
Hometown: Key West, Florida
Professional Background before Last Key: I worked at Ocean Key Resort for 15 years.
Why Key West? I was born here! I didn't have a choice. After leaving the island for college and to see more of the world, I realized there was nowhere else like this island and that is why I returned and why I continue to call Key West home.
Favorite Restaurant in Key West: Hot Tin Roof for brunch, Santiago's Bodega for dinner, and always enjoy topping the night off with dessert at Better Than Sex. Outside of Key West, you can't beat the Square Grouper.
Favorite Key West Activity: Boating. I spend almost every day off out on the water. However, if it's too windy, you'll probably find me playing roller hockey.
Why Last Key Realty? Last Key has a great reputation and when I heard an opening was available, I decided to come aboard.