- Email: andrea@lastkeyrealty.com
- Cell Phone: 305-504-4103
Hometown: Liberec, Czech Republic
Professional Background before Last Key: Assistant to the CEO and legal department of a large Construction Company in my Hometown and waitress at Amigos Tortilla Bar in Key West.
After my second vacation in Key West I decided to quit my job back home and try something new, I needed some change in my life. So I moved to Key West in 2012. I have to say it was the best decision in my life…I found what I was missing in my life…
Why Key West? It is like living life in paradise… Yes, you have to still work and pay bills like anywhere else BUT the weather, the ocean and the nice people are the great things about living here.
Favorite Key West Restaurant: Amigos Tortilla Bar, the staff is very friendly and the food is so delicious. But I have to also say Hurricane Hole and Geiger Key are good places too. WHY? Because having a cold beer and sitting by the ocean is an indescribable feeling.
Favorite Key West Activity: Spending time on the water, going to the sand bar, where no one is around, it is like taking a mini vacation, the perfect getaway.
Why Last Key Realty? Because it was the right time and place for a career change. It was really nice of Chris and Sharon to offer me this job and give me the opportunity to join the Last Key Realty family. Also, it is great experience for me because I have always been interested in Real Estate.